We provide a full range of design build services. If your project has already been engineered we can simply build y foundation, site and retaining walls to your existing specifications. We make sure your engineer and building officic understand the benefits of our system and accept it as an approved alternate method of construction.
If you are in the planning phase of your project we provide complete structural design services to ensure your project meets all structural building requirements.
Hansen Consulting Inc. offers the following:
3-D Analysis to virtually eliminate field change orders
by coordinating the concrete, framing, steel, plumbing, electrical and HVAC trades. All subcontractors will work from their specialized set of plans that comes from the same overall plan interpretation.
Modeling in three dimensions prior to the start of the project allows all trades to be in sync prior to commencement of work.
All work done in AutoCAD compatible DWG format.
A complete library of Light Gauge Steel details are available to your Architect and Engineer if needed.